Musical Center
36 Koghbatsu str., Yerevan 0002, RA, +(374)12 700701, +(374)44 700701,


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Kurzweil, USA

Since 2019 Sonatina is the authorized distributor of Kurzweil in Armenia.

Alhambra, Spain

Since 2018 Sonatina is the authorized dealer of Alhambra in Armenia.

Pirastro, Germany

Since 2017 Sonatina is the authorized distributor of Pirastro in Armenia.

Antonio Sanchez, Spain

Since 2017 Sonatina is the official representative of Antonio Sanchez in Armenia.

Larsen Strings, Danmark

Since 2017 Sonatina is the authorized distributor of Larsen Strings in Armenia.

Thomastik-Infeld, Austria

Since 2016 Sonatina is the authorized distributor of Thomastik-Infeld in Armenia.